changes are constant
it's been some time since she came back from singapore.
xiaoqi is grateful to be able to go back sg to spend the new year.
having a differenet heart,
she was able to see things in a different view.
she was able to appreciate things now.
really thank to her friends and family
for making her trip such a fruitful one.
many thanks to them for always making time for her.
6 months ago,
she had left changi airport with a heart all so ready to leave sg
and all so excited to embark her journey in beijing.
tears were unnecessary.
6 months later,
she had left changi airpot again,
this time with a heart of mixed feelings-
wanting to be there for her family,
wanting to spend time with her friends,
but however she wants to go back beijing as well for only there can she grows spiritually.
tears were uncontrollable.
1.5 years.
too long? too short?
it depends.
but she do really wanna see them again. soon.
a heartfelt thank you to her brothers.
for trusting her enough to let her "poke".


due to many reasons, xiaoqi had to shift house.
xiaoqi is grateful to be able to go back sg to spend the new year.
having a differenet heart,
she was able to see things in a different view.
she was able to appreciate things now.
really thank to her friends and family
for making her trip such a fruitful one.
many thanks to them for always making time for her.
6 months ago,
she had left changi airport with a heart all so ready to leave sg
and all so excited to embark her journey in beijing.
tears were unnecessary.
6 months later,
she had left changi airpot again,
this time with a heart of mixed feelings-
wanting to be there for her family,
wanting to spend time with her friends,
but however she wants to go back beijing as well for only there can she grows spiritually.
tears were uncontrollable.
1.5 years.
too long? too short?
it depends.
but she do really wanna see them again. soon.
a heartfelt thank you to her brothers.
for trusting her enough to let her "poke".
due to many reasons, xiaoqi had to shift house.
they had to find a new house and shifted in by 28th feb.
they had less than 5days to accomplish that.
moving out is a really really tiring chore.
history shall NOT repeat itself.
her previous house: 紫芳园
layout: 3-rooms, 2 toilets , 2 living rooms
size: 178m sq
rental : 8500rmb
no. of people living: 6
xiaoqi shared the master bedroom with aman,
not only it comes with a huge toilet but also a walk-in wardrobe.

they had less than 5days to accomplish that.
moving out is a really really tiring chore.
history shall NOT repeat itself.
her previous house: 紫芳园
layout: 3-rooms, 2 toilets , 2 living rooms
size: 178m sq
rental : 8500rmb
no. of people living: 6
xiaoqi shared the master bedroom with aman,
not only it comes with a huge toilet but also a walk-in wardrobe.
living room + balcony

her current house: 芳星园
layout: 3-rooms, 1 toilets , 1 living rooms
size: 83m sq
rental : 3000rmb
no. of people living: 3

living room + balcony

living room

xiaoqi's and aman's study room

xiaoqi's study table

xiaoqi's and aman's bedroom
it is a fact that 芳星园 is of no match with 紫芳园
芳星园 is half the size of 紫芳园 and costed only 1/3 of 紫芳园.
quoting what others said,
紫芳园 = 皇宫
芳星园 = 平民区
xiaoqi totally agreed.
it was a hasty decision when they took 芳星园.
time is just not on their side.
they need a roof over their head urgently.
in less then 5min of house viewing,
with only xiaoqi finding the house ok-ok
+ a call from pastor giving them a green light,
3 of them paid the deposit.
they had a house now, but weren't happy at all.
on a closer look the next day,
the house had so many flaws that made their heart sank further.
they had no confidence to make the house works.
but as days past, she finally understand this:
pastor says that in life we should not only live by our standards and
for once we should try throwing away our standards and live.
this way, we'll gain even more.
and this:
but just as it is written,
“Things which eye has not seen
and ear has not heard,
and which have not entered the heart of man,
all that God has prepared for those who love him."
in their eyes,
芳星园 in ALL aspects were NOT their standards at all.
with the given circumstances,
they were encouraged or maybe forced to throw away their standards.
and accept the new standards.
but they never understand why they were given this house.
but now they do.
they had now gained what 紫芳园 couldn't give them.
芳星园 give xiaoqi a sense of belonging.
it give her coziness.
it give her happiness.
it give her bonding.
it give her convenience. (ALOT)
and also an unexplained feeling towards the house.
many more...
really thank you.
she is blissfully happy with the house now.
her current house: 芳星园
layout: 3-rooms, 1 toilets , 1 living rooms
size: 83m sq
rental : 3000rmb
no. of people living: 3
living room + balcony
living room
xiaoqi's and aman's study room
xiaoqi's study table
xiaoqi's and aman's bedroom
it is a fact that 芳星园 is of no match with 紫芳园
芳星园 is half the size of 紫芳园 and costed only 1/3 of 紫芳园.
quoting what others said,
紫芳园 = 皇宫
芳星园 = 平民区
xiaoqi totally agreed.
it was a hasty decision when they took 芳星园.
time is just not on their side.
they need a roof over their head urgently.
in less then 5min of house viewing,
with only xiaoqi finding the house ok-ok
+ a call from pastor giving them a green light,
3 of them paid the deposit.
they had a house now, but weren't happy at all.
on a closer look the next day,
the house had so many flaws that made their heart sank further.
they had no confidence to make the house works.
but as days past, she finally understand this:
pastor says that in life we should not only live by our standards and
for once we should try throwing away our standards and live.
this way, we'll gain even more.
and this:
but just as it is written,
“Things which eye has not seen
and ear has not heard,
and which have not entered the heart of man,
all that God has prepared for those who love him."
-1 Corinthians 2:9
in their eyes,
芳星园 in ALL aspects were NOT their standards at all.
with the given circumstances,
they were encouraged or maybe forced to throw away their standards.
and accept the new standards.
but they never understand why they were given this house.
but now they do.
they had now gained what 紫芳园 couldn't give them.
芳星园 give xiaoqi a sense of belonging.
it give her coziness.
it give her happiness.
it give her bonding.
it give her convenience. (ALOT)
and also an unexplained feeling towards the house.
many more...
really thank you.
she is blissfully happy with the house now.
p/s: temperature is finally going up.
pp/s: to bro, happy 21st birthday!
hope u got that chi-na looking card~
pp/s: to bro, happy 21st birthday!
hope u got that chi-na looking card~