北京植物园 - 180409
exams exams exams.
2 papers: 皮科,外科 next week.
life of a 留学生.
anyway, had a wonderful time with IYF last saturday.
a break from usual activities, they headed Beijing Botanic Garden.
it's way BIGGER than Sg Botanic Garden.
and seriously much nicer.
too bad they were busying having food and fun.
not much pictures taken!
nevertheless, here u go!

entrance. amanda xiaoqi

a TINY portion of the tulip bed.

one of the MANY waterfalls.

xiaoqi haixia

another waterfall.

many thanks to these beautiful Ah Yi for perparing all the food.
and also bringing along their ever so cute children! (:

awwww!! ^-^

Group Photos:

2 papers: 皮科,外科 next week.
life of a 留学生.
anyway, had a wonderful time with IYF last saturday.
a break from usual activities, they headed Beijing Botanic Garden.
it's way BIGGER than Sg Botanic Garden.
and seriously much nicer.
too bad they were busying having food and fun.
not much pictures taken!
nevertheless, here u go!

entrance. amanda xiaoqi

a TINY portion of the tulip bed.

one of the MANY waterfalls.

xiaoqi haixia

another waterfall.

many thanks to these beautiful Ah Yi for perparing all the food.
and also bringing along their ever so cute children! (:

awwww!! ^-^

Group Photos:

p/s: xiaoqi is going for a camp during labor day!!
super excited. heeee
super excited. heeee
Labels: beijing-ing